Turkey Pluckin Machine
In light of Thanksgiving that is coming up soon, I thought this guy would be an interesting guy to know. His name is Vincent Pilkington of Cootehill, County Cavan, Republic of Ireland. He has a long standing record for the fastest plucking of a turkey, which de did in 1 minute 30 seconds on November 17, 1980. He even plucked Turkeys for charity, plucking 244 of them in just 24 hours. Plucking that many Turkeys in a 24 hour period is pretty amazing in itself, but I am not sure if that is an official record or not.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Vincent Pilkington
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Zafar Gill
Now that's a nice earring!
This is definitely the kind of thing that makes your stomach turn when looking at it. Not only is this man have weights attached to his head, the weight is only held up by one ear. This is amazing and seemingly very painful for one to endure. Mr. Gill of Pakistan is holding 136 pounds of weight with just one ear holding it up with a clamp. This record was made official on September 30th 2007 in Vienna, Austria. I am not sure of how many pounds it would take for something to rip your ear off your head, but apparently its not 136 pounds.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Stephen Taylor
What a big tongue!
When you think of long tongues, you automatically think of Gene Simmons of Kiss. Gene Simmons does have a very large tongue though he does not own the record, at least not officially. Stephen Taylor of the UK has the record for the longest tongue measuring at 3.74 inches (9.5cm) from the tip of his tongue to his top lip that was set on January 5th 2006 in Milan, Italy.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Paul Hunn
How loud is a burp?
Mr. Paul Hunn of London has got the loudest one on record that reached 104.9 decibels. (db) To get an idea of how loud that is, imagine a jet flying over you head at 1000ft. This is amazing being that cruise ships even consider it a hazard for the noise level to be even at 83+ decibels, requiring passenger to wear plugs. The average person talking in a conversation is about 70 decibels. At rock concerts, the levels are atleast 115 decibels to give you an idea of the magnitude of this mans ability. He attained this record on July 20, 2004 in London England.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Ashrita Furman
Looks easy right?
How about walking with a bottle of milk on your head for I don't know, 80 miles? Well this guy did it within 24 hours, 23 hours and 35 minutes to be exact. Mr. Furman is no stranger to setting records as he has the most with 14 GWR. (Guinness World Records) He set this particular record on April 22-23 1998. Some of his other notable records include jumping rope 130,000 times in a 24 hour period, 434 hop-scotch games also in a 24 hour period just to name a couple. Walking 80 miles in a 24 hour period is pretty amazing in itself, but doing it with a bottle of milk on your head the whole time is something truly remarkable.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Wang Jintu
This guy has the right idea for the summer.
Mr. Wang Jintu of Beijing, China is the coolest man in the world standing neck deep into some ice for 1 hour 30 minutes. He attempted and broke this Guinness record on April 17, 2008. All he is wearing is some swimming trunks and thats about it. He did not face any kind of ill effects when he exited the tank filled with ice after standing in it for over an hour. This is something that is not new to Mr. Jintu as he would wear short sleeve shirts out in the middle of winter, so doing this was kind of something that he knew he could do. Submerging your hand in ice for even 5 minutes can be very uncomfortable for most people, so putting your whole body in it for over an hour is definitely a great accomplishment that people can admire.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Cathie Jung
The corset queen
Cathie Jung of Old Mystic, Connecticut has the Guinness record for the smallest waist measuring at 38.1 cm. (15 in) It is about the size of a regular jar. She has said to have over 100 corsets and has been wearing them every single day for over 12 years. She is the only living person with the smallest waist holding this record since 1999.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Radhakant Bajpai
Yes that is real hair coming out of his ears.
Mr. Bajpai of India has got the Guinness record for the longest hair grown out of the ears. The hair is 13.2cm or 5.19in in length and still growing. This record was recorded in May 2003 in India. He is very proud of the record saying " God has been very kind to me."
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Eamonn Keane
Looks simple right?
This guy benching what appears in the picture to be about 100 pounds has the Guinness Record for the most weight pressed in one hour. He bench pressed 100 pounds 493 times and even more astonishing than that, Eamonn also bench pressed 200 pounds 1280 times. The grand total for one hour of doing all this is 305,300 lbs that Mr. Keane set on July 22, 2003. This record was set at World Gym Marina Del Ray in California.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Devendra Harne
What would you do with extra fingers & toes?
This young man is in the Guinness record book for being one of two living people to have 25 digits that are still living. He has 12 fingers and 13 toes due to a condition called Polydactyly. The extra digit is mainly just soft tissue that sometimes has bone without joints. It's rare that the extra digits can do the same functional things your fingers and toes normally do.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Ken Edwards
Cockroaches anyone?
You don't have to ask this guy twice, he loves to eat those little crawly nasty creatures that most people would just make art work on the bottom of their shoe with. He set a record of eating 36 cockroaches in 1 minute on March 5, 2001. Ken is known for doing unusual acts like this, one other one being that he put 47 rats in his pants as a trick.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Ron Sarchian
How long could you punch a heavy bag for?
A man by the name of Ron Sarchian can do it for 36 hours and 3 minutes. He accomplished this from June 15-17, 2004 at Premier Fitness in Encino California. This is incredible because of how much endurance it would take to punch a bag that long with no rest.
Peter Baulman
How about passing this kidney stone?
This massive kidney stone was taken out of Peter Baulman of Australia. This is the biggest and heaviest recorded at 356grams or 12.5 ounces, and its widest point is 4.66 inches. Just looking at that gives me the chills, good for him he didn't have to pass this stone. Ouch!
David Huxley
Can you pull a 747?
Well this guy can, and he pulled a Boeing 747 300 ft (298.5ft to be exact) in 1 minute and 27.7 seconds. The Boeing 747 weighs 184 tons, so obviously this was not an easy task to do. He accomplished this on October 15, 1997.